No. Subject Date
25 [Online Mall] Launching at 'amazon' mall( file 2017.08.24
24 [Manual] iCallieBLE App Users Guides for Android and IOS file 2017.08.14
23 [Exhibition] 2017 KITAS(8.10-8.12) at Coex file 2017.08.14
22 [App] Release of iCallieBLE App for IOS file 2017.08.02
21 [Youtube] Video on how to use iCallieBLE for iOS file 2017.08.02
20 [Press] Electornics Mag.(Aug. 2017) file 2017.08.02
19 [Exhibition] 2017 GIFTEX Japan(7.5-7.7) file 2017.07.14
18 [Homepage] Home page updated(6.16) file 2017.06.16
17 [Exhibition] WIS 2017 (5.24-5.27) file 2017.06.15
16 [Exhibition] 2017 KCON Japan(5.18-5.21) file 2017.06.15
15 [Exhibition] Hanoi Expo 2017(4.18-4.22) file 2017.06.15
14 [Online Mall] Launching at Crakits Mall( file 2017.02.02
13 [Participation] Participated in China JD crowd funding briefing session file 2017.01.24
12 [App] Release of iCallieBLE App for Android OS file 2017.01.17
11 [Online mall] Launching at file 2017.01.03
10 [Youtube] Video on how to use iCallieBLE for Android OS 2017.01.03
9 [PPL] iCallie with GOT7's HARDCARRY file 2017.01.03
8 [Product] iCallie Edge & Circle Web image file 2017.01.03
7 [Press] The Korea Herald Biz-2016.10.25 2017.01.03
6 [Exhibition] IONLABS in 2016 Maker Faire in Shenshen file 2017.01.03